: (915) 581-3345 : (575) 522-3076

Hospice Care

What is Hospice Care?

Hospice care focuses on quality of life rather than longevity and is patient and family-centered. The goal of hospice care is to improve quality of life by managing symptoms and allowing individuals to spend their final days with dignity, surrounded by friends and loved ones. Tender Care Home Health & Hospice understands the journey of terminal illness and offers comprehensive support, professional advice, and supportive services to both patients and their families.

What Hospice Care Means at Tender Care Home Health & Hospice

Hospice care, provided by Tender Care Home Health & Hospice, is a type of medical care that gives seriously ill patients and their loved ones meaningful time together when the focus of care turns from active treatment to comfort and quality of life near the end of life. Hospice is not a place but a full range of services that put patients and families in control, giving them hope about their last days, weeks, and months together. At Tender Care Home Health & Hospice, we are committed to empowering patients and families with compassionate care and support in El Paso, Las Cruces, and surrounding areas in Dona Ana County.

Call one of our locations or schedule a free consultation today and let us help you in this journey.

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Elderly lady smiling looking at photos with family while in hospice care
Two women one in a wheel chair sitting in a cafe discussing home health care services

Understanding the Different Levels of Hospice Care

Navigating the intricacies of hospice care can be overwhelming and we're here to guide you every step of the way. Hospice care isn't one-size-fits-all; it encompasses various levels tailored to meet the unique needs of individuals facing life-limiting illnesses.

Routine Home Care: The most common level of hospice care is Routine Home Care, where patients receive services in the comfort of their own homes. Our compassionate team at Tender Care provides regular visits from nurses, aides, social workers, and volunteers, ensuring patients receive comprehensive support while surrounded by familiar surroundings and loved ones.

Continuous Home Care: In situations where patients require more intensive symptom management, Continuous Home Health Care may be recommended. This level of care involves providing skilled nursing services for a minimum of eight hours a day to manage acute symptoms, ensuring patients' comfort and stability during challenging times.

Inpatient Respite Care: Caring for a loved one with a life-limiting illness can be emotionally and physically exhausting. Inpatient Respite Care offers short-term relief to caregivers by providing temporary, round-the-clock care for patients in a facility setting. This allows caregivers to rest and recharge while knowing their loved ones are in capable hands.

General Inpatient Care: When symptoms become too complex to manage at home, General Inpatient Care provides round-the-clock medical supervision and support in a hospital, hospice facility, or skilled nursing facility. Our team works closely with these facilities to ensure patients receive the highest quality of care, focusing on pain and symptom management to enhance comfort and quality of life.

Continuous Care Transition: Transitioning between levels of care can be challenging, which is why our team at Tender Care offers seamless Continuous Care Transition services. We provide personalized support and guidance to ensure a smooth transition between care settings, allowing patients and their families to focus on what matters most—cherishing precious moments together.

At Tender Care Home Health & Hospice, we understand that each patient's journey is unique. That's why we offer a range of hospice care options designed to provide comfort, dignity, and support every step of the way. Contact us today to learn more about our compassionate hospice services in El Paso, Texas, and surrounding areas.

When is it Time for Hospice Care?

Navigating the decision to transition to hospice care is one of the most challenging and emotional journeys families face. Understanding when the time is right for hospice care is crucial for ensuring the comfort and well-being of your loved one. Here are some key considerations:

Recognizing When Your Loved One May Need Hospice Care

Progression of Illness: As your loved one's illness advances, the journey becomes more challenging. Conventional treatments or palliative care may no longer offer the relief they once did, leaving your family searching for alternative avenues of care. Whether it's battling cancer, heart disease, dementia, or lung disease, the journey takes its toll. Hospice care, provided by compassionate professionals at Tender Care Home Health & Hospice, offers a supportive environment where comfort and dignity take precedence.

Frequent Hospitalizations: Each trip to the hospital becomes more exhausting and disheartening for both you and your loved one. The revolving door of admissions and emergency room visits may signal that managing symptoms at home with the help of hospice care could provide a more stable and comforting environment. Tender Care Home Health & Hospice, serving El Paso and Las Cruces, understands these challenges, offering comprehensive support tailored to your family's needs.

Decline in Functional Abilities: Witnessing a decline in your loved one's abilities can be heartbreaking. Simple tasks become monumental challenges, and their independence slips away. If you notice them struggling with daily tasks, experiencing mobility issues, or becoming increasingly reliant on others for care, it may be time to consider the compassionate support of hospice care at home from Tender Care.

Prognosis: Understanding the prognosis is a pivotal moment in the journey. When physicians mention a life expectancy of six months or less if the disease follows its natural course, it's a sobering reality to face. However, it's essential to remember that each person's journey is unique, and prognosis can vary.

Close up of two people holding hands as they talk about hospice care
Volunteer and elderly man reviewing hospice care information

Navigating the Hospice Care Process: Your Guide to Admission

Hospice care focuses on providing comfort and support to patients facing a life-limiting illness, allowing them to live out their remaining days with dignity and peace of mind.

Admission to hospice care is a pivotal moment in your journey, and our team is committed to making it as seamless as possible for you and your loved ones. Here's what you can expect:

Initial Consultation:
Our compassionate team will schedule an initial consultation to discuss your needs, concerns, preferences, and goals for hospice care. This meeting allows us to understand your unique situation fully and tailor our hospice services to meet your specific requirements.

Assessment: Following the consultation, a comprehensive assessment will be conducted by our skilled healthcare professionals. This assessment helps us determine the level of care you require and develop a personalized care plan that prioritizes your comfort and well-being.

Coordination of Care: Once you decide to proceed with hospice care at home, our team will work closely with you, your family, and other healthcare providers to coordinate all aspects of your care. We'll ensure that your needs are met promptly and that you receive the support you need when you need it. Hospice home care allows you to remain comfortable and familiar surroundings while receiving exceptional care.

Admission Process: Our team will assist you with the necessary paperwork and documentation required for admission to our hospice program. We'll explain each step of the admission process in detail and answer any questions or concerns you may have about hospice near me.

Ongoing Support: From the moment you join our hospice program, you'll have access to a dedicated team of professionals who are available 24/7 to provide support, answer questions, and address any concerns that may arise. We're here to support you and your family every step of the way, ensuring comfort, dignity, and peace of mind. We also offer family and caregiver support groups to help those caring for loved ones.

At Tender Care Home Health & Hospice, we understand that hospice admission is a significant decision. We're here to provide the guidance and support you need to make the process as smooth as possible. With our hospice care services, you can receive the care and support you deserve in the comfort of your own home.

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Understanding Hospice Payment Options: Who Covers the Costs of Hospice Care?

As you navigate the complex journey of hospice care for your loved one, one of the most pressing questions is often, "Who bears the financial burden?" We understand the importance of transparency and support during this challenging time. Let's explore the various payment options for hospice services and how you can ensure your loved one receives the compassionate care they deserve.

Medicare Coverage: For many families, Medicare is the primary source of funding for hospice care. Medicare Part A provides coverage for hospice services, including medications, medical equipment, and nursing care related to the terminal illness. Our team at Tender Care Home Health & Hospice works closely with Medicare to ensure seamless access to these essential benefits.

Medicaid Assistance: In addition to Medicare, Medicaid also offers coverage for hospice care services. Eligibility criteria may vary by state, and plan participation and Medicaid typically covers all hospice-related expenses for individuals who meet the criteria for the program. Tender Care Home Health & Hospice is committed to assisting families in navigating the Medicaid process and accessing the care their loved ones need.

Private Insurance Plans: Many private insurance plans, including those offered through employers or purchased independently, provide coverage for hospice care. These plans may have different coverage limits and requirements, so it's essential to review your policy carefully. Tender Care Home Health & Hospice works with a variety of insurance providers to ensure that our patients receive the care they need without added financial stress.

Veterans Benefits: For veterans and their families, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) offers comprehensive hospice benefits. Eligible veterans can access hospice services through VA medical facilities or choose to receive care from community providers like Tender Care Home Health & Hospice which provides hospice and palliative care in El Paso, Las Cruces, and surrounding areas in Dona Ana County. Our team is honored to serve those who have served our country with dignity and respect. Learn more about veteran healthcare services that Tender Care provides.

Private Pay Options: In some cases, individuals may choose to pay for hospice care out-of-pocket, especially if they do not qualify for Medicare, Medicaid, or other insurance coverage. Tender Care Home Health & Hospice offers flexible payment plans and financial assistance programs to ensure that cost is not a barrier to accessing quality end-of-life care.

Navigating the complexities of hospice care financing can be overwhelming, but you don't have to do it alone. Our compassionate team at Tender Care Home Health & Hospice is here to guide you through the process, answer your questions, and provide support every step of the way. Together, we can ensure that your loved one receives the care and comfort they deserve during this sacred journey.

Women and doctor talking about hospice care and home health care services

Tender Care Hospice: Answers to Your Hospice Questions

At Tender Care Home Health & Hospice, we understand that navigating hospice care can raise many questions and uncertainties for families. Allow us to address some of the frequently asked questions to provide clarity and support during this challenging time.

Who is Eligible for Hospice Care?

Patients with a life expectancy of six months or less, as determined by a physician, are typically eligible for hospice care. Common conditions that may qualify for hospice include cancer, heart disease, dementia, and lung disease, among others.

What Services Does Hospice Provide?

Hospice care encompasses a wide range of services tailored to meet the unique needs of each patient and their family. This may include pain management, symptom control, nursing care, medical equipment and supplies, emotional and spiritual support, and respite care for caregivers.

How is Hospice Care Paid For?

Hospice care is typically covered by Medicare, Medicaid, VA Benefits, and most private insurance plans. Tender Care Home Health & Hospice works closely with these options to ensure that patients receive the necessary coverage for their care. Additionally, we offer assistance with navigating insurance and financial concerns to alleviate any burdens for families.

Can Hospice Care be Provided at Home?

Yes, hospice care can be provided in the comfort of your own home, allowing patients to remain in familiar surroundings surrounded by loved ones. Our compassionate team at Tender Care Home Health & Hospice is dedicated to delivering high-quality care wherever our patients call home.

How Can I Learn More About Hospice Care?

If you have further questions or would like more information about hospice care, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at Tender Care Home Health & Hospice. Our knowledgeable and compassionate staff are here to provide guidance, support, and assistance every step of the way.